Science Department
The science department is led by Ro Mackrell-Hey. The department focusses on the core sciences of biology, physics and chemistry, resulting in a large and diverse department.
With such a large department there is diverse staff body who teach a variety of subjects. The Head of Department is supported in leading the team by five Subject Leaders and a Progress Manager. All of these staff members have a broad range of experiences and skills allowing for high quality leadership in a fast paced, dynamic environment.
Results across all subjects are strong. In 2016, at Post 16, all subjects achieved a positive residual score, meaning that across the entire cohort the average grade achieved was above target. In Year 11 grades were strong with excellent results in “Triple Science” where students exceeded national averages and in Business studies where students also exceeded their target grades.
In younger year groups students experience a rich and varied curriculum. Everything is designed so that students are prepared with the knowledge, skills and abilities to successfully undertake their GCSEs. Practical lessons are encouraged and students are pushed to ensure they make maximum progress.
If you have any questions regarding' The Sciences' please contact the Head of Department;
If you have any other questions about the Core curriculum, please do not hesitate to contact us on